The Ten Best Films of the Decade
I was thinking about the best films of the decade recently and came up with a list. Notice there isn't anything from 2005 on there: that is on purpose. I could probably list at least ten more movies before anything from 2005 would show up as well, so even if you don't agree with everything that's on my list it still just hasn't been a very good year.
Anyway, here:
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
2. Adaptation (2002)
3. Lost in Translation (2003)
4. Amelie (2001)
5. The Royal Tennenbaums (2001)
6. Dancer in the Dark (2000)
7. Garden State (2004)
8. 21 Grams (2003)
9. City of God (2003)
10. Sideways (2004)
There just aren't really any movies that I feel passionate about this year. It is pretty much a huge bummer. Not that there aren't good movies this year, there are plenty, just not really any great ones.
Dancer in the Dark? Hello? Nope, no way, not a chance.
10:58 AM
Dancer in the Dark is one of *my* favorite movies. I realize that it's a big hit-or-miss movie and a lot of people intensely dislike it. It is just one of those things. But from my own personal experience, I was so emotionally effected and/or distraught by the ending I just sat in the theatre just spaced out while the credits were playing when I usually get up and leave right away. To each their own I suppose.
10:27 PM
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