Movie Rantings and Ravings

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Movie Trailer Roundup

I'd like to just mention some movie trailers I've seen recently.

The first is potentially the weirdest, most creepy trailer I've ever seen for a movie. It is for a movie called Bubble, and the preview is literally over a minute of footage which consists entirely of different views of doll faces and heads. That's it. Doll heads. I can't think of a better way to get people to see your movie than creeping them out in a bad way and giving absolutely no clue what the movie is going to be about. You can see the trailer on the Apple Trailer Page.

The second was for the upccoming movie adaptation of The Da Vinci Code. I already knew this was coming, but I'd like to just make a comment: why, oh why, did you have to put Tom Hanks of all people in this movie? Couldn't you have gotten Liam Neeson or someone who vaguely fits the character in the book? My one little quandry here is that they've put Audrey Tautou in it, so I'll probably end up seeing it anyway just because she's in it. But I'm not going to like it, not only because of Tom Hanks, but because I've heard that they've specifically hired consultants to make the investigation plot more "accessible" (read: less complex for idiots) to the American movie-going public.

The third was for this coming year's underwhelming, over-budgeted Failed Epic Movie Of The Summer (remember Troy? Kingdom of Heaven?), Apocalypto. Pretty creepy trailer, but I can just tell that it's going to be bad. Also this is directed by Mel Gibson, who does not have a very good track record with me as of late.

Finally, maybe I should have put this in my previous post, (Please stop making hyper-glammed cheesy musicals. One won an Oscar a couple years ago, isn't that enough?), I saw perhaps for the first time a preview for a movie in winter that isn't coming out until NEXT winter, Dreamgirls. I'm guessing that this is your Best Picture frontrunner for 2006, given the unusual preview release and the fact that any musical, no matter horrifyingly bad it looks, or actually is (again, remember the Oscars a couple years ago?), will still be in high consideration during awards season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah now come on you are tipping your snooty hand by dissing the American public and their ability to assimilate complex plot lines. Tom Hanks will birng his A game and the movie will be a big hit.

11:02 AM

Blogger JW said...

I wasn't trying to diss the American public. If anything the producers of the movie are; I didn't think the plot of the book was that complicate, nor has anyone else I've spoken to about it, but nevertheless they hired someone to make it easier to understand.

And the movie is guaranteed to be a hit, but even if Tom Hanks brings his "A" game it simply isn't going to matter for me. He is just an actor that I happen to not like.

10:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to have a great deal of insight into movies, etc. Out of curiosity what is it about Tom Hanks you don't like? He can act don't you think? Is it just over exposure?

8:14 AM

Blogger JW said...

Hmm... I get this question a lot. People (except for my brother in law, who also dislikes him) usually find it completely mystifying that I don't like Tom Hanks.

Well, it started when he did a string of movies I didn't like in a desperate attempt at (in my opinion) picking up his third Oscar. "Castaway" was the last straw, and I actually had a boycott against him for awhile. What bugged me about this is I don't like it when comedic actors sell out and start doing all serious movies, it just annoys me. An example of a person who handles this right (whether you like him or not, and I personally don't like his comedy movies) is Jim Carrey. While he does the occasional serious movie, he also does the occasional completely brainless wacky comedy too. The next person on my list who I might boycott is Robin Williams. The guy hasn't done anything good in years, it is just pathetic.

Anyway, back to Tom. I no longer have a boycott, as he's done a few comedy-ish movies again (although I really only liked "Catch Me If You Can"). However I still just have a completely irrational and held-over dislike for the guy from earlier. Once you make a movie about talking to a volleyball for a few hours, I'm going to be a little wary of you for the rest of your career.

2:58 PM


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