Movie Rantings and Ravings

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's Almost Over

Pretty soon people.

You'll get to stop hearing Brokeback Mountain jokes on the comedy shows.

There will be new movies that don't completely suck available in the theaters to watch.

I personally won't have to listen to Roger Ebert rant philosophical about how great Crash is anymore (he recently compared it to Charles Dickens for crying out loud). The amount of "it's going to upset!" talk I'm hearing is making me almost rethink my choice of most overrated movie of the year. I don't think it's going to go that far though, unless it wins.

I'll stop talking about awards for awhile (: (except for the upcoming spectacular best of the year *sidebar*, soon to come!)

Yeah, the awards, barely over a week. I wish they were over with already.

The one thing I am going to miss is that I will be in Vegas at a friend's wedding, so I will most likely miss any of the post-ceremony news articles. If anybody sees any good ones, particularly what I'm looking for here is something along the lines of Pat Robertson talking about how the Oscars are trying to destroy the moral fabric of America, etc, etc, please post a comment or email me a link. I need something ripe for parody, I haven't been able to find a good topic for awhile.

I might have a new review of the second movie I'll have seen this year coming soon, it is a matter of if I'll have time to fit it in this weekend. We will see.


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