Movie Rantings and Ravings

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Why Does Jennifer Aniston Have A Career?

Does anybody actually think she is talented, at all? Her movie (The Break-Up), with a bad 32% Rotten Tomatoes score, and an absolutely abysmal 18% cream of the crop score, is going to be the number one movie for the weekend. I suppose they must? I don't think she's ever been in anything good. EVER. And her movie might open up with as much as *forty million dollars*. Sigh.

In other news... I guess I called it right on being disappointed by X Men 3. It is going to have one of the most ridiculous first-to-second weekend dropoffs in box office history, losing perhaps as much as 70% of the first weekend's gross. That's just insane. No repeat business there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, in several posts you express your dislike of Jennifer Anniston. What, exactly, do you not like? I was skeptical when she went to film from TV, but was surprised that she could actually act. Now, the films were not exactly good, but she was surprisingly likable and believable in the films. Is your opinion biased because of her role on Friends? BTW, love the site, this is *not* spam!

7:11 AM

Blogger JW said...

No, I actually don't like her in the vast majority of things that she's been in. "The Good Girl" being the one exception. She's likeable, sure, but just not very talented.

The spam I talked about in an above post was when someone literally posted a "love your site.. etc etc" with a link to ADVERTISING on almost EVERY SINGLE post. Clearly yours is real.

thanks for the comment (:

11:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

9:44 AM


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